Reconsidering healthcare evidence as dynamic and distributed: The role of information and cognition.

Article Sedig, K, Parsons, P, Naimi, A, & Willoughby, K (2015). Reconsidering healthcare evidence as dynamic and distributed: The role of information and cognition. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. EBHC Evidence Based Health Care EBHC activities are cognitive in nature. EBHC activites are becoming more a matter of understanding movement of information and knowledge within a distributed and dynamic coginitive system than mere acess to or translation of a ready-at-hand resource Cognition three types of information. For instance: (1) Information as internal, mental states, and structures: this type of information is concerned with the knowledge, expertise, and ‘expert opinion’ that individual stakeholders have, based on education, training, and clinical experience. (2) Information as communication: this type of information is concerned with communication among stakeholders, between nurses and patients, and any other message or signal that is conveyed between entities or agents within a healthcare environment. (3) Information as an artifact: this type of information is concerned with books, papers, reports, and other